Promoting the Lower-Risk Gambling Guidelines 

The most effective, long-term strategy to ensure that the Lower-Risk Gambling Guidelines (LRGGs) reduce harms related to gambling is for stakeholders to use the guidelines and incorporate them in their products and promotional activities. In this way, they will become an important component of a public health response to the issue of gambling-related harm.

These stakeholders include:
  • Teams developing responsible gambling initiatives or programs;
  • Public health professionals developing awareness campaigns to inform the public about lower-risk gambling; and
  • Those developing training materials and capacity-building programs aimed at identifying and preventing risky gambling.

The following branding and promotional guidance is intended to provide such stakeholders clear instructions about how to promote the Lower-Risk Gambling Guidelines.

There are five ways to promote the Lower-Risk Gambling Guidelines:
  1. Reproducing and distributing pre-approved LRGG resources;
  2. Adding your logo and web address to pre-approved LRGG resources for distribution;
  3. Adapting pre-approved LRGG resources into different materials such as posters, banners, table cards, web content and other products;
  4. Promoting pre-approved LRGG posts and graphics through social media platforms; and
  5. Developing your own materials to promote the LRGGs.

For options 1 to 3, please review the copyright information and complete the copyright form to begin the process.

For option 4, please visit the social media toolkit page to find pre-approved LRGG images and graphics you can copy and download to use on your respective social media accounts. No permissions are required to use these resources.

If you wish to develop your own materials to promote the LRGGs, please consult the Branding Information.