Lower-Risk Gambling Quiz

How many

Which of the following types of gambling do you regularly play? Please check all that apply.

Did you know

Although most Canadians can gamble without issues, all Canadians who gamble are at some level of risk of harms related to gambling.


Did you know

When gambling, what you play matters.

Some types of gambling, such as electronic gaming machines or online poker, are:

  • Faster paced;
  • Involve frequent betting;
  • Encourage you to play more often;
  • Encourage you to play for longer periods of time; and
  • Encourage you to spend more money.

Did you know

If you have experienced any of the following risk factors, then these guidelines may not be suitable for you:

  • Problems from alcohol, cannabis or other drug use
  • Problems with anxiety or depression
  • Personal or family history of gambling problems or substance use disorders

In these instances, you should consider gambling less than these guidelines recommend or not at all.


Did you know

Fast-paced games that involve quick and repeated betting can more quickly and easily lead to problems.


Did you know

People who gamble can be at risk of financial harms, relationship conflicts, emotional or psychological distress and health issues.


Did you know

The guidelines suggest you don’t gamble more than 4 times a month. This works out to roughly once a week.


Did you know

When gambling, what you play matters.

Some types of gambling, such as electronic gaming machines or online poker, are:

  • Faster paced;
  • Involve frequent betting;
  • Encourage you to play more often;
  • Encourage you to play for longer periods of time; and
  • Encourage you to spend more money.

Did you know

A selection of resources about lower-risk gambling were created for the public, researchers, policy makers, health service providers and the gambling industry. View them in the resource section.
